Sunday, October 31, 2010

Malaysia To Host 1st World Conference On RIBA

The global economic crisis continues to spread worldwide, despite reports of ‘green-shoots’ appearing here and there.  Unemployment is still significantly persistent in major economies – in Europe, America and Japan.  Many quarters, including even the Vatican, are voicing their opinion that Islamic solutions seem worth considering.  The global monetary structure that is fundamentally based on interest or riba has been blamed, by some quarters, as the root cause of the whole global chaos.

Conference Objectives
  • This conference hopes to bring all stakeholders – business community, shariah scholars, academicians, government officials, policy makers, bankers, students etc. - to the discussion table to discuss the one current major issue facing mankind today i.e. the global financial and economic crisis that is threatening to explode into a major global military conflict.
  • The conference hopes to identify the major underlying causes of the crisis and find ways to mitigate it collectively and effectively.
  • Islamic solutions would be particularly sought for and ways of convincing the people and policy holders and implementing them successfully would be addressed.
  • The findings of the conference would be then be collated into a book for the benefit of all and for further deliberations.

Conference Highlights

The conference gathers together well-known and competent scholars, business and industry leaders, politicians and government officers, policy makers and regulators, general public and students to discuss this important issue facing the world today.  YOU would be contributing towards making this world a better place for all humanity.

Who Should Attend

Leaders/Business Heads/CEO’s/ Managing Directors
Shariah Scholars/Academicians/Government Officials/Policy Makers/Bankers

1 comment:

ladyinpurple said...

your chatbox is not loading so I'm gonna leave a msg here..thanks for following..I'm following your tweets too